Sunset from Nat’s Bridge
A last minute check of the weather apps told me I should get my shoes back on and head out. As I left the house I noticed the wind had died down and the anemometer was not moving. When I arrived at the lake I noticed the river that drains the lake was like a mirror. When I arrived at Nat's Bridge on the north end of Crystal Lake it too was quite calm.
It started out as a fairly bland sunset with dark brown and green clouds muddying up the horizon. About twenty-five minutes after sunset the colors started appearing and intensifying going from pale yellow and pink to bright golden yellow and flaming red.
This is a long exposure for the water and sky (45 secs with a 10-stop filter) and a 3 second shot for the land mass (no filter). They were blended in Photoshop to get this image.
This is a merge of six vertical five shot brackets, each +/-1 stop for a total of thirty shots.
Nikon D850, 24-70mm f/2.8 at 52mm
1/40 avg sec, f/11, ISO160, Manual
12,484 x 7932pxl @ 240ppi
Crop Factor: 3:2